John Lee


Until recently:


A recently completed collaborative project continued an investigation of the paradigm of "Vicarious Learning", as part of the national Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP). This concept is being pursued further: a small Principal's e-Learning Fund project has developed an interface for student communities to re-use video recordings of tutorials as a learning resource. A prototype of this system (which we call "YouTute") is being put into use with several courses in Informatics. This work has been recognised by the Chancellor's Award for Teaching 2009.

My other activities centre around several themes:

I maintain an international bibliography of works by, and book-length works devoted to, the late philosopher of language and many other things, Nelson Goodman.

Contacting me

By Email
By Phone (+44) 131 650 4420 / 2335
By Fax (+44) 131 650 4587
By Post Human Communication Research Centre
University of Edinburgh
Informatics Forum
10 Crichton Place
Edinburgh EH8 9AB
Scotland, UK
Graduate School of Edinburgh College of Art
University of Edinburgh
Alison House
12 Nicolson Square
Edinburgh EH8 9DF
Scotland, UK

Last updated: February 2012