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S. Adler, Henry Thompson and 9 others, A Proposal for XSL, W3C Note, W3C, Cambridge MA. Also available as

Ellen Bard et al. (1992) The HCRC Map Task Corpus. In Language and Speech 34 (1992) 4, pp351-366.

Peter Buneman, Dan Suciu and Serge Abiteboul (1999): Data on the Web : From Relations to Semistructured Data and XML. Morgan Kaufmann.

Lou Burnard and C. M. Sperberg-McQueen (1994): Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange. Oxford: Text Encoding Initiative.

James Clark, ed (1999): XSL Transformations (XSLT), W3C Recommendation, W3C, Cambridge, MA. Also available as

Box et al. (1999): SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol. IETF Draft Proposal. Also available at

P.P. Chen (1976): The entity-relationship model: toward a unified view of data. ACM Transactions on Database Systems 1 (1976) 1.

An Feng and Toshiro Wakayama (1993): SIMON: A Grammar-based Transformation System for Structured Documents. Electronic Publishing 6 (1993) 4: 361-372.

Peter Flynn (2000): Frequently Asked Questions about the Extensible Markup Language. University of Cork, Eire. Also available at

Roy Goldman and Jennifer Widom (1997): DataGuides: Enabling Query Formulation and Optimization in Semistructured Databases. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, pages 436-445. Athens, Greece, August 1997.

Roy Goldman, Jason McHugh, and Jennifer Widom (1999): From Semistructured Data to XML: Migrating the Lore Data Model and Query Language. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on the Web and Databases (WebDB '99), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 1999.

David McKelvie, Chris Brew, and Henry S. Thompson (1998): Using SGML as a basis for data-intensive NLP. Computers and the Humanities 31 (1998) 5, pp367-388.

David McKelvie et al. (2000): The MATE workbench - an annotation tool for XML coded speech corpora. Speech Communication 5 (in press).

Mark Reinhold (1999): JSR-000031 XML Data Binding Specification. Available at

Ralph Swick and Henry Thompson eds. (1999): The Cambridge Communiqué. W3C, Cambridge, Ma. Also available as

Henry S. Thompson, David McKelvie, Richard Tobin, Chris Brew and Steve Finch (1995): LT NSL. Software API and toolkit for Normalised SGML processing. University of Edinburgh, Language Technology Group. Available from .

Henry S. Thompson, Richard Tobin, David McKelvie and Chris Brew (1998): LT XML. Software API and toolkit for XML processing. University of Edinburgh, Language Technology Group. Available from .

Henry Thompson et al. (2000): XML Schema Part 1: Structures, W3C, Cambridge, MA. Also available as .

Richard Tobin (1999): RXP. A validating XML parser. University of Edinburgh, Language Technology Group. Available from .

Daniel M. Yellin (1998): Attribute Grammar Inversion and Source-To-Source Translation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, New York, 1988.

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Henry Thompson